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"SARS" Health Knowledge and Preventive Disinfection Measures
Health Knowledge

Typical pneumonia is caused by streptococcus pneumonia showing symptoms of lobar pneumonia or bronchopneumonia.
Atypical pneumonias refers to mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, rickettsia, adenovirus and some other unknown microorganisms.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (U.S. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS) is one of atypical pneumonia. Pathogens having been identified in the disease, according to the characteristics of the disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) named it as "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome." Without identifying the cause, it was called "atypical pneumonia." In fact, in medical field, professionals disagree with each other on the name, for at that time researchers have found it not the common “atypical pneumonia”, but "infectious corona virus pneumonia."

Atypical pneumonia is not a newly discovered disease caused by many viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsia and other pathogens. The symptoms are not as obvious as typical pneumonia in pulmonary signs, blood test results and a number of viral pneumonia antibiotics are ineffective. The clinical features are occult onset, mostly dry cough, and occasionally hemoptysis, few lung auscultation is positive; X-ray shows interstitial infiltration mainly; the disease process is usually mild, very few patients death of it.

To date, the atypical pneumonia pathogens include mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia pneumoniae, chlamydia psittaci, legionella and rickettsia (cause Q fever pneumonia), of which the two are more common and account 1/3 of acquired hospitalized adult patients. Most of these pathogens exist in cells and antibiotics are effective. But for atypical pneumonia caused by a virus, antibiotics are ineffective.

Recommended Products
1. Stabilized chlorine dioxide solution (500ml / bottle)
2. Emergency Effervescent Disinfection Tablet (200 g / bag)
3. Disinfection Powder

Disinfection Measures
Note: activate chlorine dioxide disinfectant into concentration ≥ 1500mg/kg, then add water diluted the stock solution to appropriate concentration.
Target Disinfection Disinfection Measures
Ground.wall.door.air 1.spray disinfectant concentration of 200mg/kg. Soil wall absorption of 150 ~ 300mg / m2, cement walls, wooden walls, lime wall to 100mg / m2. The disinfectant solutions sprayed not exceed the amount of fluid absorption.
2. the first ground disinfection from out to inside, spray volume of 200 ~ 300mg / m2, when interior disinfection is completed, then repeat the spray from the inside to out. Activation time more than 1 hour.
3.close doors, fumigate disinfectant liquid≥1500mg/kg, activate more than 1hour.
cloths.bedding Soaking into disinfectants with concentration of 50-100mg/kg more than 1 hour
Patients excreta cleaning tools 1.The ratio of thin excrement or vomit: 500mg/kg chlorine dioxide solution = 1:2, stir well, standing 2 hours.
2.The ratio of urine: 500mg/kg chlorine dioxide solution ratio = 10:1 mixture, stir well, standing 2 hours。
3.The ratio of forming stool: 500mg/kg chlorine dioxide solution = 2:1 mixture, stir well, standing 2 hours。
4.Ware, container: Soaking into chlorine dioxide with 500mg/kg for 30 minutes, disinfecting liquid overflow the container.
tableware Soaking into chlorine dioxide disinfection of 100mg/kg 30 minutes, then cleaning and washing.
food 1.Soaking fruits, vegetables into chlorine dioxide solution with 50mg/kg for 10 minutes.
2.cannot eat the patients remaining food, with 200mg/kg of disinfectant soaking for 2 hours, then destroy.
Furniture Spray, soak or wipe with 100-200mg/kg chlorine dioxide liquid.
Hands and skin Soaking into 100mg/kg chlorine dioxide liquid for 1-3 minutes,air dry.
Patients cadaver Cremation after cadaver packaged by cloth of 1000mg/kg disinfectants as soon as possible
conveyance Spray with disinfection liquid of 300mg/kg to surface wet,activate more than 30 minutes or fumigate more than 1 hour.
rubbish Spray disinfectants with concentration of 500mg/kg, activate more than 1 hour, buried far away from water after disinfection.